Nin is a coastal town in Croatia, that even having great assets and potencial to be a dynamic and vibrant city, represents a monothematic economy based in summer tourism, without a proper urban, cultural, educational and economic infrastructure that makes possible for people to stay during the whole year. NINTOPIA is a proposal that pretends to solve the existing problems by taking advantage of the local resources as a way to invert the socio-economic reality and implement a year lasting urban model, enabling the possibility of thinking about moving to Nin for longer periods of time, living surrounded by an outstanding landscape.
In order to achieve that, NINTOPIA finds some possibilities that might act as catalyts for a proper and sustainable development of the area. The existance of an active economy, even if it is based on a seasonal tourism, should be a starting point to be complemented. The diversification of this summer based economy through programmatic complements, as well as flexible housing should attract new profiles that progressively should stablish themselves as permanent residents in the area. Another complementing anchor point is the development of economic dynamics based in water related economy. The presence of the Cromaris factory could be an opportunity as well for small-medium businesses to locate their activity within the area. The promotion of the production of seafood and related processed products should become an attraction for both population and the creation of a regional cultural quality seal, taking advantage of the tradition of fishery and acquaculture within the region.